Who We Are
The purpose of the club is to promote the interest of the public and educate the next generations in the preservation and restoration of antique tractors and machinery, their accessories, lore and literature, and any purposes approved by the board of directors or members authorized by Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statues.
Since 1993
How We Started
Wisconsin Antique Power Reunion was started by several “Good Old Boys” with the need to be on their old tractors that their fathers had on the farm where they were born and raised.
It all started when the old tractor lovers held a show of their own at the Ozaukee County Fair in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. The show was held on Sunday, the last day of the fair. In 1993 a clipboard was passed around asking if there was interest in starting an antique tractor club. There was enough interest and a meeting time and place was established.
At the meeting officers and board members were voted on, guidelines for the club established, club name chosen, meeting dates and time made, and activities discussed.
Members who joined within the first six months of club’s existence were considered charter members of the club. The members could also pay $100 dollars for a lifetime membership. There were 36 members signed up for the lifetime and 36 charter members. It was decided to have W.A.P.R.’s (Wisconsin Antique Power Reunion) first show the third weekend in July of 1994 on the Don Tesker Farm. It was held there for twelve years then moved a mile and a half to the Ozaukee County Pioneer Village where it was held until 2019.
Monthly meetings held every fourth Tuesday!
(with the exception of July and December)
7:00 P.M.
Circle B
Hwy 60, Cedarburg, WI